Tatemichiya (立道屋)

Punk Rock Izakaya

Great food, great drinks, and the rock vibe. And the punk music amplifies everything. This place is quite unlike the daikanyama's sophisticated trendy Indy vibe. As you go down the floor into the entrance, you start t feel the difference from the street. But if you are looking for some drinking with the music, this place is it. You feel like you came to the old music house space that turned to a bar. The music is not so loud, so you can still enjoy your conversation. Great bar food, nothing that exciting but it's tasty. I love just getting my staples, sashimi assortment and some dashimaki eggs. Just relax and feel the music and enjoy your food and drink with your friends or whoever you are with. 






Yoneka (米花)


Nikuzushi (肉寿司)