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[アメリカ生活] アメリカの9歳男子の流行りもの10選





My son is 9 years old and goes to elementary school in Portland Oregon for his 3rd grade. Here are some trends by those boys. Have a look at below for reference to gift ideas or just out of curiosity. There may be some difference by states, but I would suppose it’s pretty similar.

Nerf Gun (ナーフガン)


Definitely, this is popular by boys and even to adults. There are so many good ones, collabs, and varieties from hand gun to rifle. I wish we had these back in a days! Since it’s Nerf bullet, it’s a lot safer than the BB guns back in a day, but if kids gonna shoot against each other, then they should wear safety googles.

Minecraft (マインクラフト)


Minecraft has been sold by different brands, but basically it’s a game to create things. You can basically be a god to create whatever and you can add Birth to things. There are other merchandise items from lego, too and quite popular.

Rubics Cube (ルービックキューブ)


I know we have seen this back in a day. But now, there are so many news one out. it’s not just 3 x 3 cube. There are 2 x 2 or 5 x 5 or more. Or even some odd shapes as well.

Nintendo Switch (ニンテンドースイッチ)


We bought ours for his 8th birthday gift. There has been pressure from his friends who have them and we had no other way around that than buying one.

Bay Blade (ベイブレード)


It’s originally a Japanese toy, but it’s been popular here. My son has both Japanese and American version but Japanese version has higher quality and stronger. Now, I am starting to see American kids who purchase Japanese ones off of Amazon.

Wall Ball (ウォールボール)


片手のみを使って、一度地面にボールを弾ませて、壁に当てる。跳ね返ったボールを次の番の者が1バウンドかノーバンで片手でキャッチしながら、また壁に当てる。これで相手がキャッチできなくなかったら、自分の勝ち。 You tube link here.

Wall Ball has been my son’s favorite thing to do during the school recess. You use one hand and bounce the ball on the ground first and then to the wall. And the 2nd person catches or hit the ball with same rule until someone misses.

Cops & Robbers (ドロケイ)


Cops & Robbers is universal. We have the same one in Japan!! It’s interesting to see kids just wanna chase each others at any country!

Pokémon Card (ポケモンカード)


This should not need any explanation. It’s universal. It’s happening! There is baseball cards, but definitely Pokemon is stronger!

Fortnite (フォートナイト)

あまり良く分からないが、これもゲームである。オンラインでやる冒険ゲームらしい。これに出てくる銃がNerf Gunとコラボしていたな。マインクラフトほどでは無いが、このゲームをスイッチでしている子が結構いる。

I don’t know much about it, but i't’s an on-line adventure game. I have also seen the collab Nerf gun with Fortnite. Not as popular as Minecraft, but some of my son’s friends play.

Old Town Road (オールドタウンロード)

これはLil Nas Xというラッパー歌手とBilly ray Cyrusというカントリーシンガーの歌である。何故かめちゃくちゃ流行っていて、とにかく家で息子が歌いまくる。そしていろんな替え歌まであるそうだ。なんか田舎臭い懐かしい感じのする歌だが、流行っている。 Here is YOUTUBE link.

This is an interesting trend, but this country like song is popular and kids are making some different lyric version to have fun.

Floss Dance (フロスダンス)


Here is youtube link.

Floss Dance. I love the naming of it. My son does this whenever he finds some time, even at the soccer practice, he finds a quick time and does flossing. Wish He flosses his teeth just as often as he dances.

以上。That is it!!


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If I see any new trend or maybe when my son grows up, I will update.

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