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[アメリカ生活談] 勇気をもらえるキプチョゲの深い言葉









It’s been up and down of Covid-19 cases in Oregon. Sometimes it’s below 20, but sometimes above 40. 100 was about the peak, so it’s getting better, but never really hitting single digit mark.

Humans are interesting creature. You adopt to the lifestyle you are in and repeat the life easily. And we hate to change. I am starting to feel like I am used to working from home and can do this more. Off-course, I don’t like it, but getting used to it and have lots of family time and enjoying it.

My son is enjoying home time with youtube, switch and bayblades, etc, which is his favorite things. And a lot more time that he used to (reference ( 9 year boy’s Trend in US)




There are some inspiring words from marathon men’s world record holder, Eliud Kipchoge that I would like to share. In Kenya, official language is Swahili and English, so he does speak English I suppose.

“No human is limited”



Very simple but Strong message. Coming from him who tries to break 2 hour marathon makes it real and stronger. It’s a great message and reminder for us as we fight against the virus. Humans will get over this virus and win.

“In life, the idea is to be happy. So, I believe in calm, simple, low-profile life. You live simple, you train hard and live an honest life. Then you are free”


こんな訳でどうだろうか。とにかく、シンプルに生き、本当に自分に厳しく生きている感じがする。 この人にハッピーというのは、トレーニングに打ち勝ち、正直な生活をして結果をだしたときが幸せなのだろう。きっと、コロナであろうと同じシンプルライフをしている事が窺える。

I believe he is having simple life even if covid-19 is around. He probably live the life as same as before. off-course, he is shocked that many races are cancelled and Olympic is postponed. But I bet then he just trains to be better and get ready as usual.

Passion is a choice. You need to choose to be great. It's not a chance, it's a choice.



ヨーダの言葉(「ヨーダの英語術」参照)に近いぐらいシンプルであるが、心に響く。 なにか、顔も似ていないか? そうか、現代のヨーダなのか?


自分磨きをこの時期にいろいろしている事でしょう。 昨日よりすごい自分になるために今日は何ができるだろう。 そして、明日の自分だけでなく、来週、来月、来年と考えていくと、何を選択するかどうかは楽しいはずである。

This is such a simple English and the word like Great can be translated to each individual differently. What’s your GREAT? makes us think who we can be tomorrow.

it’s a bit like Yoda’s words in a way. Similarly Simple but powerful (Yoda’s quotes) Maybe there is a technique to be powerful like him. wait, Kipchoge is little similar to Yoda??? real life yoda??

is everyone making better version of yourself now? Are you sharping up yourself? It’s choice you can make to be stronger. Better than yesterday…and last week, last year….it’s really time to think about yourself and who and how you can be tomorrow.

You cannot train alone and expect to run a fast time. There is a formula: 100% of me is nothing compared to 1% of the whole team. And that’s teamwork. That’s what I value.



This means a lot, and really 1%?? but he is probably right. As much as you think marathon is an individual sport and he is so diligent to himself and putting pressure to train…and that man respect the team so much…that means a lot. I played soccer, so I do know what that means. Even though there were one kid who was so good, and every time he could not make it, we lost….hahaha.


そう、今はそんな事を考える時間である。自分磨きは楽しいはずである。私はウクレレもまた練習し始めた。10年前にもやったのだが、あまり上達しなかった。今度は頑張るつもりである。いや、頑張る事を選択したのだ。YOUTUBEが無かった10年前と比べると、どんだけー楽になった事か。そう頑張ろう。NO HUMAN IS LIMITEDだしね。




That’s it. My takeaways are….It’s really time for us think about you. I started Ukulele which I gave up about 10 years ago. I will do my best to get better and hopefully stick. Youtube is something I did not have, but that helps sooooo much!! Life is a lot easier. Anyway, I have been practicing to be better! No Human is limited!

I also appreciate the teamwork we have as a family. If I was alone, it’s just tough. can’t even imagine. I also appreciate the time I can see my son grow. He has been practicing juggling soccer ball. 2 months ago, he was only able to do about 10. But now 106 is his record.

Lastly, we are the great humans. We will win over this virus like we always have done. Not just 1 human being, but with teamwork of humans, we will win!! And be Happy!! Yes, Yes!!!